ARDSI - Kolkata

Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Society of India ARDSI - Kolkata Chapter

The donation will specifically go towards:
Supporting the trained caregiver's time and expertise to counsel family members
in areas of caregiving for their loved ones and themselves.
Supporting the activity items like radio, coloring pencils, and books.

How can you help?


ARDSI offers a training program for those who are willing to learn the skills of caring for dementia patients. Training for care workers, nursing staff, medical professionals and general public was available since its inception. Click here for more information about volunteering.


Raise money for ARDSI's: Day care facilities for persons with dementia, respite care services, residential care facilities, counseling and guidance for family care givers, home care services, and memory clinics.
Click here for donation info to ARDSI.

Develop Technological Solutions

1. Design low-tech objects that are easy to use for dementia patients.

2. Create apps and programs to spread awareness and provide support​

3. Create solutions that help locate someone who has wandered, and alert caregivers if someone is getting up from bed, or trying to open a door, etc.​